Technology - Tips

Windows Server 2008 Virtual Machine

Windows Server 2008 Virtual Machine

In this tutorial i will let you know that how to create Windows Server 2008 Virtual Machine.Here we are using VMWare Workstation 8 for creating Virtual machine.

To Download VMWare Workstation 8 check following link:-


1. Install VMWare workstation 8 on your system.

2. Open VMWare , Create a New Virtual Machine.

3. Select Typical For type of configuration.

4. Choose your ISO file or Installer Disc which you want.

5. Fill your Easy Installation information(Key, Username, Password etc.)

6. Location Where you want to create Virtual machine.

7. Specify Disk Capacity.

8. Click on Customize your hardware to your hardware configuration.

9. Click On Finish and your installation will start automatically.

Video Guide:-