Hi friends, recently our system went down and at that time backup is running. So now when we are starting our database we are getting following issue: ORA-10873: file 1 needs to be either taken out of backup mode or media recovered. Solution: Step1: Shutdown the Database. shut immediate; Step2: Start the Oracle database in […]
Oracle Listener fails to start, error messages TNS-12555, TNS-12560, TNS-00525 Hi friends, today when I try to start listener on my SAP server with oracle 12C, I got the below error: Problem: TNS-12555: TNS: Permission denied TNS-12560: TNS: Protocol adapter error TNS-00525: Insufficient privilege for operation Linux Error: 1 : Operation not permitted Cause: In […]
startsap command not found stopsap command not found Hi friends, recently I am working on S4HANA 1809, everything goes smooth as always, but during post installation activities I need to restart my sap application. And then I faced this new issue: startsap, stopsap command not found, even i tried to run them from the directory(I […]
How to Create Linux Swap Partition
How to Create Linux Swap Partition Hi friends, In this post I will show you How to Create Linux Swap Partition. Swap partition in Linux is used when the amount of physical memory (RAM) is full. If the system required more memory resources, then swap space is used as a backup. You can define swap space, while […]