CHECK Constraint in Sql server CHECK constraint is to limit the value range that can be inserted in a column. If you define a CHECK constraint on a single column it allows only certain values for this column that you are defined with in check constraint. Query To create CHECK constraint:- CREATE TABLE hightech ( […]
Author: Mandeep Singh
The database was backed up on a server running version 10.50.1600. version is incompatible with this server When your try to restore a database which backup is taken on Sql server 2008 R2, and you will try to restore backup of that database in below version then sql server 2008 R2 then you will get […]
How to create FOREIGN KEY Constraint in Sql server A FOREIGN KEY in any table points to a PRIMARY KEY in another table. Let us Create a table Hightech:- Hightech table: Id FirstName City 1 Jai Delhi 2 Om Kolkata 3 Hari Haryana Here In table hightech Id is Primary Key of table Hightech The […]
Primary Key Constraints The PRIMARY KEY constraint uniquely identifies record in a database table. Primary key column cannot have NULL values. Query:- The below following query a primary key in id column. create table account3 ( id int primary key, Firstname varchar(50), Lastname varchar(50) ) To create a PRIMARY KEY on a already created table […]