How To Upload Videos To YouTube From IPhone IOS6 Hello Friends, in this tutorial i will let you know guys Upload Videos To YouTube From IPhone IOS6.Although in IOS 6 YouTube has been removed, but still we can upload our videos directly to you tube through our IPhone. To upload videos from your IPhone to YouTue, […]
Author: Mandeep Singh
Windows Cannot Load Extensible Counter DLL ServiceName the First DWORD in Data Section is the Windows Error Code Hi Guys, yeaterday i am recciving following error(Windows Cannot Load Extensible Counter DLL ServiceName the First DWORD in Data Section is the Windows Error Code) on my Dev Server.I searched reason behind the error.But still no Luck.After […]
Unrecognized Tag Prefix Or Device Filter In Visual Studio 2012 Today i am working on some project in ASP.NET, i am using Visual Studio 2012.On that i am stuck when i am using a LINKBUTTON there, but i am getting an error that Unrecognized Tag Prefix Or Device Filter In Visual Studio 2012.I searched on Google […]

How To Convert Delimited File Into Excel File Hi friends in this tutorial i will explain ,how to convert delimited file into excel file.Basically these delimited files may be a TAB Delimited,Comma Delimited or Semicolon Delimited.These kind of files will be generated in import and export from applications(like:- SQL Server etc.). To make use of […]