Sql Server

SQL Server Reporting Services Error: User does not have required permissions. Verify that sufficient permissions have been granted and Windows User Account Control (UAC) restrictions have been addressed

SQL Server Reporting Services Error: User does not have required permissions. Verify that sufficient permissions have been granted and Windows User Account Control (UAC) restrictions have been addressed Recently i am working on SQL Server Reporting services, and i got this error: SQL Server Reporting Services Error: User does not have required permissions. Verify that sufficient […]

Sql Server

Mirrored Backup In SQL Server

Mirrored Backup In SQL Server In this post we will learn about what is Mirrored Backup In SQL Server.Mirrored backups are a new feature in SQL Server 2005 that allow you to write the same backup file to multiple locations, as illustrates in below image. T-SQL BACKUP DATABASE DEV TO DISK=’D:\DEV.bak MIRROR TO DISK = ‘E:\DEV.bak’ MIRROR […]

Sql Server

Striped Backup In SQL Server

Striped Backup In SQL Server When databases are so large that creating a full backup on a single tape or disk is impossible.In these instances, you can use striped backups.Striping your backups has the potential to dramatically shorten the time it takes for your backups to complete. You can stripe your backup using either SQL […]

Sql Server

How To Secure Your Database Backup With Password In SQL Server

How To Secure Your Database Backup With Password In SQL Server In this post we will learn How To Secure Your Database Backup With Password In SQL Server.Securing your backup in SQL Server with password is so much easy, but it is not that much secure.For more security of your backup by placing it on an encrypted […]