
Change Button Color On MouseOver In Asp.Net

Change Button Color On MouseOver In Asp.Net In this post we will learn How to Change Button Color On MouseOver In Asp.Net. We have used CSS for this. Design: <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %> <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""> <head runat="server"> <title>Change Button Color On MouseOver In Asp.Net</title> <style type="text/css"> body { width: 980px; margin: […]

Sql Server Technology - Tips

Performance Monitor

Performance Monitor In this tutorial we will discuss about Performance Monitor. You can use Windows Performance Monitor to examine how programs you run affect your computer’s performance, both in real time and by collecting log data for later analysis. Windows Performance Monitor uses performance counters, event trace data, and configuration information, which can be combined into Data […]

Sql Server

Some Important Trace Flags for SQL Server DBA

Some Important Trace Flags for SQL Server DBA In this post we will discuss Some Important Trace Flags for SQL Server DBA. A trace flag is used to set specific server characteristics or to switch off a particular behavior of the SQL Server. You can enable the trace flag from Startup Parameters, Session and Global Session level. Trace […]


How to show row number in Gridview, Repeater,ListView, FormView, DetailsView and DataList

How to show row number in Gridview, Repeater,ListView, FormView, DetailsView and DataList In this tutorial we will learn how to show Row_Number() to display row number in my data bound controls from long time. Every thing is working fine unless I have started using LINQ and Entity Framework. I found that Row_Number() is not supported. So […]